Thursday, December 25, 2008

Marta and Kangur, Olsztyn (PL), September 2008

In the beginning of September, we went to Olsztyn to celebrate the wedding of Kangur and Marta, Ewa’s friend from the student times. Olsztyn is a medieval city in Mazury. The latter is the region in the northeastern Poland famous of its numerous lakes and wild forests. This is the place where one can still encounter a bison in wild. The Masurian Lake District is known as the “land of a thousand of lakes”.

Marta and Kangur in front of the city council

The married are coming for the wedding party on a motorboat.
There are 13 lakes in the city district.

Wedding dress

The wedding party usually takes two days. The second day is to continue having fun and to spend time together mentioning the yesterday evening. One can heal a hangover by drinking beer…

We spent the second day in a summer house in a small village next to Olsztyn. The house with a tiny marina was located right next to a lake. The guests spent a sunny day taking refreshing baths in the lake…

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Touching the beast, 21 September 2008

Ewa says that the Aletsch glacier reminds her a beast. Why? She answers: because. We returned to see her animal again with Claire, Marta and Ola. For Claire - a keen Corsian mountaineer, it was the last day of living in Switzerland and the farewell with the swiss Alps; at least for a couple of weeks. For Marta and Ola who were visiting us and arrived one day before, it was first of two days that we spent together in mountains. This time, we were really motivated to finally touch the 'beast'.

A landscape in Bettmeralp

The Aletsch glacier seen from the ridge.

Low pressure or too much impressions? Ola got a headache, Ewa's hand grows; it must be the pressure.

On the ridge. A short break for a lunch and to explore an excellent bottle of wine.

Continuing towards the ice.

The glacier surface

The glacier cracks

Mönch, 4107 m, in the background

A view towards the end of the glacier

Eggishorn (2934 m)

Approaching to the glacier ...

The 'Beast' seen from a few meters.

Ewa pouncing on the 'beast'

Paparazzi are even there ...

Thursday, October 9, 2008

La Dôle, 20 September 2008

La Dôle is a peak in the Jura mountains next to Geneva lake. Rising to an altitude of 1677m, it is the second highest peak in the Swiss Jura.

Mont Blanc seen from la Dôle

Monday, August 25, 2008

'Unpublished Portraits' - Sanya, Zermatt, 2008

Alexander 'Sanya' Pozdnyakov, freelance photographer and cameraman, mountaineer, backpacker, friendship generator, geographer by profession. Available in Lviv or any wilderness, preferably in the Carpathians or Caucasus. Hobby: swimming in glacier lakes after drinking a bottle of champagne.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

'Unpublished Portraits' - Patrycja, Lausanne, 2007

In the series 'Unpublished Portraits', little by little, I'll be presenting people that I know very well or I have met in the past and who I have kept in my memory.

Patrycja loves dancing. She is a dance student. Although she is relatively young she already gives dance classes.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Janek Pencakowski, Kraków, 2003

Ostatnio, grzebiąc w starych dokumentach odnalazłem stary autoportret Janka. Przywoła on chyba arcymiłe wspomnienia wszystkim miłośnikom tej "barwnej i zacnej postaci".

Janek Pencakowski, autoportret

In the land of tunnels, Mauvoisin (CH), 3 August 2008

The way to the Mauvoisin Lake (1975 m) goes through my favorite tunnel in Switzerland. The lake is formed in the Val de Bagnes by a dam with height of 250m . The Mauvoisin arch dam was built in six years in fifties. The area offers a hike trail which goes around the lake. Starting the walk from either side, one passes though a couple of drilled tunnels ...

On the crown of the dam, we found a photographic exhibition presenting the dam under construction.

When we were already satisfied with a dose of history of the dam, we started a lazy walk along the lake ...

The Mauvoisin Lake and Mont Avril (3347 m) seen from the Mauvoisin dam