Saturday, November 14, 2009

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wardrobe and ten stinking shoes

'Some people like collecting postage stamps, fish, old bus tickets, or even worse, books. I simply cannot part with my worn stinking shoes...'

This is not a publicity of one of the famous sport brands. I would simply like to pay tribute to the old wardrobe and the worn shoes which have been accompanying us during four years of staying in Lausanne. In fact, this is exactly the FOURTH ANNIVERSARY when I arrived to the city in order to rent a small, charming garret, not much bigger than our old wardrobe, notabene inherited from the former occupant. Sometimes, I feel like looking for a more spatial place in order to live comfortably, but I recently realized that I am not ready yet to leave the roof of Lausanne, this magic place where the panoramic view encompasses two mountain chains and the lake at the same time. And this is the answer to my friends for the frequently asked question whether I move or not:

I do not move from here and the wardrobe continues with us!

Those who are interested in celebrating the fourth anniversary of the apartment are kindly requested to contact me.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Ann McCormack, Schwebach (L) 2009

Ann McCormack, singer, actress, dancer and songwriter, whose music style is impossible to pigeon-hole, ranging from classical, through world music, to pop and contemporary jazz. Educated in the US and Italy, she has won numerous awards and starred as Maria in the 50th Anniversary European Tour of West Side Story (dir. Joey McKneely).

Apart from having an amazing voice and great hair, she is also a beautiful person and a perfect housemate- especially when she sings under the Luxembourgish moon or - even more so - when she makes chocolate chip cookies and leaves them on the kitchen table for those who are too sleepy to resist the temptation first thing in the morning… (txt by EwaM)

Friday, September 25, 2009

Paul Wiltgen, Schwebach (L) 2009

Paul Wiltgen, an accomplished jazz drummer and forward-thinking composer acting in The Paul Wiltgen Group, The TransAtlantic Collective - a new contemporary jazz ensemble, and other jazz formations. Since graduating from Manhattan School of Music, Paul pursues his goal of becoming a truly pancontinental artist. Besides, he rarely parts with his checkered trousers.