Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wardrobe and ten stinking shoes

'Some people like collecting postage stamps, fish, old bus tickets, or even worse, books. I simply cannot part with my worn stinking shoes...'

This is not a publicity of one of the famous sport brands. I would simply like to pay tribute to the old wardrobe and the worn shoes which have been accompanying us during four years of staying in Lausanne. In fact, this is exactly the FOURTH ANNIVERSARY when I arrived to the city in order to rent a small, charming garret, not much bigger than our old wardrobe, notabene inherited from the former occupant. Sometimes, I feel like looking for a more spatial place in order to live comfortably, but I recently realized that I am not ready yet to leave the roof of Lausanne, this magic place where the panoramic view encompasses two mountain chains and the lake at the same time. And this is the answer to my friends for the frequently asked question whether I move or not:

I do not move from here and the wardrobe continues with us!

Those who are interested in celebrating the fourth anniversary of the apartment are kindly requested to contact me.


nosferatu79 said...

Hehe, superbe! J'adore, même si j'ai pas tout compris du texte qui va avec ;)

SWIXX - Walkabout said...

comment ça? c'est tout simple. à l'occasion de 4ème anniversaire de la location de mon appartement, il faut juste passer chez moi pour une visite guidée et arrosée

Anonymous said...

Nieczesta to okazja i gratka Twoj pysk zobaczyc, serdecznie pozdrawiam i mam nadzieje ze przyszlego lata sie zobaczymy w Krakowie.Moze tym razem sie obedzie bez interwencji niebieskich slozb... twoj diabel, Jasiator

SWIXX - Walkabout said...

Janku, mordo kochana.oczywiscie zjawiam sie w Krakowie w tym samym czasie co Ty.Twoj wirnyj szofer...

Katya said...

It is like the photo! Treating them with what program? On the Mac?

Maria Güell i Pons said...

Jejeje... le wardrobe est parfait... tu as encore toutes tes chaussures accrochees? Félicitations pour tes photos, et oui pour le 5eme anniversaire de ton appartement!
